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What slitting methods are available for slitting machines?

Steel Coil Slitting Machines are mainly used for slitting metal materials and can be used for a number of occupations and materials, but of course the method of cutting varies according to the occupation and the raw material. So what slitting methods are available for slitting machines to operated?

What slitting methods are available for slitting machines?

1. Cutting edge.

High Speed Slitting Line a variety of raw materials composite type after the occurrence of the processing process edge, based on the removal of the process flow pre-buried processing process edge, to obtain the product in accordance with the rules of the processing process. Such slitting methods are mostly used in the production and processing of raw materials such as composite bags.

2. Cut volume.

The whole bundle of slitting machine wide waterproofing roll material, according to the high-speed running circular knife, the original waterproofing roll material slitting into multiple volumes of narrow specifications type waterproofing roll material.

Such slitting methods are mostly used in adhesive products manufacturing profession.

3. Slitting rolls.

The slitting machine will be large wave diameter raw materials to comply with the rules of the winding length specifications and winding width specifications, slitting into multiple volumes, small volume diameter raw materials.

Such slitting methods are mostly used for plastic film sheets and bags colour printing manufacturing industry.

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