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Heavy Duty Uncoiler Applications

Heavy-duty uncoiler as a common vertical uncoiling equipment, which can be used not only for a variety of coil [stamping, laser cutting, cold bending forming] processing before the uncoiling process, but also for the processing of continuous material tape winding purposes. Of course, uncoiling and winding purposes when using the method is still different.

First, heavy-duty uncoiler as the processing before the uncoiling process

Unwinder use.

1, counterclockwise rotation of the spindle handle of the uncoiler, the uncoiler up and down reel adjustment to than to load the coil material inside diameter of about 20-30mm.

2, determine the position of the inner A-type blocking iron, and the A-type blocking iron on the bolt lock.

3, and then use forklift or crane will be set into the heavy-duty uncoiler up and down on the reel, and close to the inner A-type stopper iron.

4, clockwise rotation of the spindle handle of the uncoiler, so that the uncoiler up to shrink the barrel of the coil material inside diameter tension.

5, and then the outer A-type blocking iron mounted on the rising and shrinking reel, and close to the volume of material, and then lock the A-type blocking iron on the bolt.

6,Find the coil material head, the operation mode on the electric control box of the uncoiler switch to manual control, and then use positive rotation, point action to release a section of material, with the follow-up machine to complete the feeding process, you can switch the operation mode on the electric control box of the uncoiler to automatic, to achieve fully automated uncoiling.

Second, the heavy-duty uncoiler as the processing after the winding process

Winding machine uses.
1, counterclockwise rotation of the spindle handle of the uncoiler, the uncoiler up and down the reel to adjust to the required inner diameter of the required winding.

2, in the uncoiler up and down on the barrel installed on the inside 2, outside 2 A-type blocking iron, and make the inside A-type blocking iron and outside A-type blocking iron between the width of the material to be collected 5-10mm.

3, will need to wind up the material head lead out, will be bent hook in the uncoiler up and down on the reel, after the uncoiler on the electronic control box operation mode switch to manual control, and then use positive rotation, point movement, will need to wind up the material with a roll 5-6 circle.

4,After ensuring that the material wound in the previous step is not skewed and completely tightened, the operation mode on the electronic control box of the uncoiler is switched to automatic, and the fully automatic winding of the material can be carried out.

5,When the continuous winding material reaches the required outer diameter, stop the uncoiler, tie the collected material rolls tightly, take off the outer A-type material blocking iron, and use forklift or crane to take down the wound material rolls.

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