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Precautions For Using Straightening Machines

Leveling machines are commonly used in sheet metal processing, mainly for straightening various sizes of sheets. Let‘s take a look at the precautions when using the leveling machine.

1. Labor insurance products should be used and worn reasonably according to the regulations. For example, you should tighten your cuffs and lapels, wear protective shoes and a mask when you are operating. You wrap long hair and braids in your work cap, and you should not wear high heels or sandals at the site.

2. Before running, make a full safety check on the equipment used, focusing on the safety protection devices, and only use them after confirming that they are normal.

3. Before placing the leveling material, you should run the machine dry to check if the parts are running properly, and the leveling roller bearings must be fully lubricated before official operation.

Check the sliding and rotating parts manually until they become flexible and undisturbed.
Clean all debris from the work and smooth the welds on the work pieces that may be in contact with the press rollers and guide rollers.
Check that electrical appliances, cables, etc. are in order

4. Before operating the equipment, the operator must check whether the emergency stop button of the equipment bed and button station is intact and running normally. If problems are found, they must be repaired by maintenance personnel in time. When the equipment is working, if there is an obstacle, it should stop immediately and eliminate the fault.

5. Make sure the workpiece is placed steadily to ensure the correct position, and then start the leveling machine. For example, when leveling narrow steel, it should be placed in the center of the straightening machine.

6. The distance between the operator‘s hand and the front of the drive rollers should not be less than 300 mm when operating. for large workpieces, the operator should not stand on the workpiece while it is running. When the machine is working, no one can stand on the side of the section steel exit. After starting the machine, avoid getting your hands and clothes stuck in the roller path of the straightening machine.

7. The equipment must operate normally and be well lubricated. Check all parts and electrical components frequently to keep the equipment clean. Do not start the lifting motor when the equipment is working.

8. Obey the command of one person when operating. When the workpiece is rotating or moving back and forth, the operators on both sides of the workpiece must be in close contact and move in the same way.

9. The reduction applied to different metals and plates of different thicknesses should be different. When leveling different metal plates, the reduction must be adjusted once. The amount of reduction at the incoming end should be maximum and the minimum amount at the outgoing end. The upper and lower row of rollers are not allowed to be used in parallel. For the leveling of a batch of material, the adjustment of the reduction can be read by the digital display ruler.

10. After the work is finished, close the switch and other valves and clean up the work site.

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