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Precision casting industry

  Precision casting is among the more common investment casting, also known as the lost wax casting: choose appropriate casting material system, such as paraffin wax casting; Touch on casting refractory coating and sand and refractory process, sclerosis type shell and dry; Then the internal casting melt away, get the cavity; Roasting shell in order to obtain enough strength, and the casting material, burning residual; Casting need metal materials; After shelling solidification cooling, deoxidization, can achieve the high precision finished products. According to the requirements of the product or heat treatment and cold working and surface treatment. Such as sand casting, mass production of the factory should create conditions for the modelling of advanced technology, core making method. Old jar type or shock squeeze moulding machine production line productivity is not high, workers labor intensity, large noise, not adapt to the requirement of mass production, shall be modified step by step. For small castings, can use horizontal parting or vertical parting flaskless type high pressure molding machine production line, solid modeling and production efficiency is high, covers an area of less; For the thing that can be used in various cases of high pressure molding machine production lines, air impact molding line, in order to adapt to the requirement of fast, high precision molding production lines, core making method can be used: cold core box, hot core box, shell core efficient core method, etc.
  Medium batch of large castings can consider application self-hardening resin sand molding and core making.
  Sheet small batch production of heavy castings, manual modeling is still the important method, manual can meet the requirements of various complex is more flexible, does not require a lot of process equipment. Can be used sodium silicate sand, sodium silicate sand mold VRH law, organic ester sodium silicate self-hardening sand, clay self-hardening sand mould and dry type, resin cement sand mold, etc.; For a single production of heavy castings, pit modelling method of low cost, fast production. Batch production or long-term production of finalize the design product box, split box shape modelling method is appropriate, although high mould and sand box to start investing, but from compensated save modelling cycle time, improve the quality of its products.
  Low pressure casting, die casting, centrifugal casting and other casting method, for equipment and mold is expensive, so only suitable for mass production.
  Methods should be suitable for conditions
  Also is the production of large machine tool lathe bed casting, such as, for example, generally USES the core modelling method, don‘t make shape and sand box, core in a hole in the ground; While other factories use sand box modelling method, production. Different enterprise production conditions (including equipment, sites, staff quality, etc.), production habits, accumulated the experience of each different, what should be considered according to these conditions suitable for products and is not suitable for (or not) to do the product.
  Accuracy and cost
  All kinds of casting method for precision casting, initial investment and productivity is not consistent, the economic benefit is also varies. Therefore, to do more, faster, better, the province, all aspects should give attention to two or morethings arrives. Selected for dealing with the casting method carries on the preliminary cost estimate, to determine the economic benefit is high and can ensure the requirements of the casting foundry method.
  While casting industry development in our country is in a difficult period, but in the long run, the precision casting industry development in our country there are still some hope, market demand has been slowly began to recover, but also add to the strength of the casting industry development in our country has to believe that the casting industry in China industry is bound to achieve gratifying results.
  , experts say, to fundamentally improve the level of casting technology it has to do the following four points: first, the development of simulation technology, improve the accuracy of prediction, to strengthen the process control and improve the yield. Command of regularity of the problem is not is not very good, thus affecting yield in mass production. Second, the unity. Enterprise independent innovation in addition to the growth of awareness of innovation and ability of the research and development, also need to attach importance to and strengthen to precision casting enterprise as the main body of the combination of "production, study and research". Third, pay attention to material research and development. Material is the foundation of the industry, there are a lot of work to do. In the field of aerospace, alloy materials, especially the high temperature alloy research, some new materials such as smelting technology remains to be improved, and foreign gap bigger also. Fourth, pay attention to equipment technical improvement. Process is mainly on the equipment problems, a lot of key equipment, such as some directional solidification equipment mainly rely on imports, so the precision casting equipment research and development is still the focus.
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