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Maintenance of Steel Levelling Machine

Levelling machines are consumables and need to be checked regularly. The steel leveler also needs maintenance. Although the equipment has a high load function, it can run continuously for 24 hours. However, in the daily use of levelling equipment, we must also maintain the equipment frequently so that the levelling machine can run longer and create more economic benefits.

So, how should we maintain the steel leveling machine?

1. Watch more. Always pay attention to our leveling equipment and see if there is anything unreasonable about our leveling machine. For example, after a long time of work, the bolts seem to be loose in some places. Or the transfer speed of the leveler seems to be inconsistent with the speed we want. If found, we must deal with it promptly.

2. Listen more. During the production process of the steel leveling machine, we have to listen more to the machine sound of the equipment. Listen and see if there is any abnormal noise. If so, please deal with it in time to prevent trouble in the future.

3. Diligent. Laziness is the root of all evils, so we must not be lazy. The levelling equipment and the production plant around the equipment should always be kept hygienically clean. Because our equipment uses electricity as energy, if there is too much dust on the leveling machine, it will affect the use of the leveling machine. Therefore, the equipment and the workshop should be cleaned frequently with a rag and mop. Avoid dust when cleaning.

4. Anti-freeze liquid. This is the cold winter season, should take anti-freeze measures for the circulating water system of leveling machine. Our equipment has antifreeze protection system, while the user should listen and see more equipment.

5. Correct. Regardless of the production status of the steel straightening machine, the main thing is that we can ensure that the equipment is produced according to the correct operation method.

The quality of metal steel plates depends on the processing equipment. Steel leveling machine not only can process high quality metal steel plates, but also can help users to reduce operating cost and increase processing income.

High operation efficiency: driven by hydraulic system, it has the features of accurate positioning, precise cutting, strong production automation capability, high precision of parts and stable operation.

High degree of automation: The steel structure leveling machine adopts PLC and touch screen for CNC operation. Various data are displayed on the operation screen in real time for precise adjustment. The high degree of production automation can reduce the demand for labor.

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